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Circle Carbon Labs

The Circle Carbon Labs runs on a commitment to ethically produce food. Their produce—available in-store, or on Friday markets—is 100% certified organic and is biochar grown, meaning when you purchase their soil, you contribute to the Carbon Drawdown initiative, created to try and reverse the effects of Climate Change. Organise a guided visit of the property or pop by unannounced for a box of fresh produce. It’ll be the most feelgood thing you do in Mallorca.


Address: viveros, C/ S’Esgleieta-Sta.Maria (Ma-2030) km1.3, Illes Balears


Address: viveros, C/ S’Esgleieta-Sta.Maria (Ma-2030) km1.3, Illes Balears

Artisans Thoughts

You can pick your own organic produce and go home plentiful!


You can pick your own organic produce and go home plentiful!